水. 9月 11th, 2024

In 2023, AI digital art will be on the cutting edge and will permeate our lives even more in the future. I decided to make NFT art using such AI. Marilyn Monroe, a wonderful human being who existed in the past and an icon representing the 20th century. She has an extraordinary charm that is rarely seen in humankind. A captivating gaze, a sexy mouth, a selfish expression, a whispering voice that makes you want to listen to it forever, until the end of your life beautifully, all of them are art.

And its beauty and style continue to be loved by many people even now. In order to pass on her legacy to future generations, I decided to create NFT art using AI. Express your style with nftart and play a role in telling Marilyn Monroe to future generations.

The NFT art of Marilyn Monroe that I create uses AI to recreate her legendary poses and facial expressions. Her photos and videos can be collected, analyzed and processed by AI to create new visual expressions. NFT art produced in this way will be able to reinterpret her legacy from a modern perspective and gain new fans.

Marilyn Monroe is still loved by many people today. I believe that by reinterpreting her legacy with modern technology, we can pass on her charm to future generations. NFT art will be able to contribute to our culture as a new art form.

2023年AIデジタルアートは最先端で、今後はもっと生活に浸透していくであろう。 そんなAIを駆使しNFTアートを制作することを決めました。過去に存在した素晴らしい人間であり20世紀を代表するアイコンであるマリリン・モンロー。彼女には人類で稀に見るとてつもない魅力があります。魅惑的な視線、セクシーな口元、わがままな表情、いつまでも聴きたくなる囁き声、美しいままに生涯の幕を閉じるまでにおいて、そのすべてが芸術です。そしてその美しさやスタイルは今でも多くの人々に愛され続けています。彼女の遺産を後世に受け継ぐために、nftartで自分のスタイルを表現しマリリン・モンローを後世に伝える役割を果たします。


By memeko